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The company profile of the BECOM Group

BECOM EMS-Dienstleister

BECOM has been a reliable electronics engineering, manufacturing and service partner for its clients in industry since 1984. From the first creative concept through the development and validation stages, right up to series production, its clients can obtain everything from a single source. Thanks to international business locations and partners, today’s clients around the world benefit from the high-quality solutions, services and know-how provided by our experts.

The time-of-flight specialist Bluetechnix became part of the BECOM Group in 2016. BECOM thereby expanded its business area with innovative sensor solutions and has subsequently been able to offer its clients the decades of experience of this domestic time-of-flight pioneer. BECOM’s scope of services and stability thus supplemented the innovative capacity of BECOM Systems, and guaranteed long-term availability and highly-efficient production processes for its clients.

> € 100 Mio. Turnover
5,00 % R&D quota
~ 600 Employees

BECOM has remainded a sustainable family business to this day. With roots in Burgenland, the group offers unbeatable quality and world-class solutions. Thanks to healthy yet continuous growth and a fl air for innovative developments, BECOM is the top choice for customers from all industries.


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